We have successfully taken and passed the Google My Business Trusted Verifier.

What this means for you, our clients:

01 Are you tired of waiting for the Google postcard to arrive?
02 Is your business in a location which traditional mail can find hard to reach?
03 Is the listing not owned by you? or incorrectly owned by someone else?
03 Do you not want to wait at all?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions, we can likely help you through instant in-person Google My Business Verification.

As a Google My Business Trusted Verifier, we will come out to your business in person, verify that your business details are all correct on your GMB dashboard and instantly verify your Google listing. Instant verification allows to use all Google search benefits right away, without waiting months for verification code.

Make it easy for people to find your business with Google listing. We will assist in creating your Google My Business listing—so you can be found, and bring customers in.

Can you Verifiy/Create a listing yourself?
Yes, in most cases you can verify your Google My Business listing yourself.
The common methods for doing this are by postcard or by phone.
Our service is for those rare but frustrating situations where the standard verification options are not working for you or are too slow.